Town Hall Update December 2017

The last couple of months have been filled with much activity at the new Town Hall site.  The progress made is quite obvious as we can now see the completed stacked retaining walls behind the building site.  A rock swale has been created on the north side to carry water away from the building and the well water line has been buried to the building site.  Excavation of the crawl space area and foundation is complete and the building foundation should be completed by the end of December.

The actual building should start taking shape after the first of the year!  Exciting times as our new Town Hall becomes a reality!

The Town Hall Project consists of 5 phases as follows:

Phase 1: Site Development/Foundation         $147,583.08

Phase 2: Frame/Decks/Siding/Roof        $97,900.59

Phase 3: Rough-in Plumbing/Elec/Heat/Insulation/Drywall    $98,123.91

Phase 4: Interior Finishes w/community help         $112,574.14

Phase 5: Final Plumbing/Well/Landscaping    $52,832.77

           Total:  $508,014.49


Total Construction Cost                                  $508,014.49

Architectural fees (proposed maximum cost) $39,000.00

Projected engineering cost (est. maximum)    $35,000.00

               Total Overall projected cost                           $582,014.49   


Funding to Date:

The property was purchased in 2015 and fundraising efforts began in 2016.  So far funding for the Town Hall project is as follows:

Income from individual donations and corporations           $169,830

Income from Grants                                                                $99,000

Income from Fundraising Activities                                       $86,967

                Total income to date                                            $355,797


Total expenses already incurred

for site prep, county fees, architect & engineering          –  $83,470

Funds Available                                                  $273,327


Total Project Cost                                              $582,014.49

Funds Available                                               –  $273,327.00

FUNDS NEEDED                                                  $302,687.49


As you can see, funding thus far gets the project most of the way through Phase 3.  This is a remarkable accomplishment made possible by the generosity of our donors near and far!

The push is on to raise the remaining money needed to complete the project.

Thank you for your continued support!

Donations may be made by check or by credit card on-line with our PayPal account. You may print the Pledge Form and Giving Tree form and mail all to:

GHFR, Inc., PO Box 34, Glen Haven, Colorado 80532

We also accept gifts of stocks and bonds. Glen Haven Flood Recovery, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.