January 2018 Update


The Town Hall foundation has been sealed and backfilled.  We will soon see the building taking shape as walls go up, the floors go down and the roof goes on.

New windows and interior doors will be ordered in a couple weeks.  Some of the windows from the old town hall will be reused in the north end of the new building.  There will be double entrance doors opening into the main meeting room, just as in the old town hall. The Glen Haven Town Hall sign that hung on the front of the old building can also be reused.

A new donation request letter is being mailed the first week in February.  Enclosed will be a financial report and a Giving Tree Form. (You may also download the form from this website)  For a gift of $500 or more you may choose a pine cone or rock to have engraved with your name or sentiment or memorialize a loved one.  If you have already made a donation of $500 or greater and would like to be included in our Giving Tree mural, please fill out and return the form and make note that you’ve already contributed.

This is a rough sketch of the wall mural to which the engraved pine cones  and rocks will be attached.

We have a limited number of 2013 Flood Photo Books available and they are being offered at 50% off plus shipping.  Click on the flood book page on this website for details.

See bottom of page for recent financial statement.

Check out the Glen Haven webcam to see what’s happening today! Click on this link:

Glen Haven Colorado Downtown Webcam

Glen Haven Town Hall Financial Update

January 2018

The Town Hall Project consists of 5 phases as follows:

Phase 1: Site Development/Foundation                                                 $147,583

Phase 2: Frame/Decks/Siding/Roof                                                            $97,901

Phase 3: Rough-in Plumbing/Elec/Heat/Insulation/Drywall           $98,124

Phase 4: Interior Finishes w/community help                                      $112,574

Phase 5: Final Plumbing/Well/Landscaping                                           $52,833

Total Construction cost                                                                                  $509,015


Total Construction Cost                                                      $509,015

Architectural fees (proposed maximum cost)            $39,000

Projected engineering cost (est. maximum)                $35,000

Total Overall projected cost                                            $583,015


Funding to Date:

The property was purchased in 2015 and fundraising efforts began in 2016.  So far funding for the Town Hall project is as follows:

Income from individuals, organizations & corporations             $303,103

Income from Grants                                                                                         $87,236

Income from Fundraising Activities                                                         $94,912

Total income to date                                                                                    $ 485,251



Land acquisition                                                                     $100,000

Fundraising expenses, etc.                                                     $11,171

To date cost of site prep, County fees,

Architect and engineering fees*                                        $84,177

Phase I                                                                                           $63,406

Total Expenses:                                                                      $ 258,754


Total Project Cost                                                                                      $ 583,015

*less already paid costs                                                                           –  147,583

Remaining construction costs                                                            $ 435,432

Funds Available                                                                                            – 227,979


FUNDS NEEDED                                                                                           $ 207,453

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